I had once such incident tonight while taking out the trash. Three boys were coming up the sidewalk and seeing this as a witnessing opportunity, I put down the bag of garbage and handed out tracts. The boys continued walking away as I attempted to minister to them more. It appeared they were focused on going somewhere.
Not long afterwards, a man watching me asked what I had just said to his son (this is why in some situations it’s best to avoid witnessing to young children unless you receive their parent’s permission first). I replied that I was a minister sharing the gospel. Then I proceeded to ask this man where he would spend eternity when his life ended. This man replied he didn’t believe in heaven or hell. It's possible he might have been a Black Muslim since he was with two men in suits who had been selling “The Final Call” newspaper at a nearby intersection.
This man went on to say that there could be no eternal death if Jesus said we will “inherit the earth.” I pointed out that when Jesus comes back to set up His millennial reign, many saints will rule with Him (Romans 8:17 says we are joint-heirs with Christ). This man had a mocking spirit and walked away as I attempted to share more Scripture with him. Still I consider this encounter a divine appointment. The two Black Muslims he was with also heard the truth of God’s word. Our labor in the Lord is not in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:58)
“So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” – Isaiah 55:11
(Bible photo by Jimmy MacDonald)
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