However, there is one person that never sleeps at all. Although God created humans to sleep, Psalm 121:4 says, “Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.” There’s no need to lose sleep worrying over life’s problems. Psalm 3:5 says, “I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the LORD sustained me.”
In Scripture, the word sleep is also used to signify death. 1 Thessalonians 4:14 talks about deceased believers “…who sleep in Jesus.” The Bible also gives warnings to people who are asleep spiritually. Ephesians 5:14 in the New Living Translation cautions, “Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light.”
We all need times of rest. But that doesn’t mean we are to respond to challenging situations by pulling the covers over our heads and staying in bed. Let’s avoid spiritual slumberness and be about the Father’s business. There are many lost souls out there who need a wake up call regarding the reality of heaven and hell.
“And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.” - Romans 13:11
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