How do I invite T. R. to minister at my church/conference/event?
How did the Signs & Wonders newsletter get started?
If you’re a pastor, ministry leader, or event coordinator, please submit your invitation after reviewing this web page. All inquiries will be prayerfully considered. T. R. will reply if interested or needs additional information.
Is T. R. a pastor?
Is T. R. a pastor?
No. T. R. is a traveling street evangelist who occasionally does online teaching sessions for the purpose of equipping believers to fulfill the Great Commission. Those seeking prayer or personal counsel should talk to a pastor or elder at their home church.
How did the Signs & Wonders newsletter get started?
In August 1998, T. R. began writing a newsletter to update friends and family members on his ministry activities. Shortly after its debut, the Lord inspired T. R. to write his first sermon article "Are You Batting 1.000?" for the next newsletter. Following a suggestion made by a co-worker at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, evangelism tips were added. Since then the purpose of this newsletter has been to preach the gospel and teach others to do the same.
What inspired the name "Signs & Wonders"?
The newsletter was originally called Electronic Gospel Gazette. In May 1999, it was renamed Signs & Wonders in response to various signs God uses to confirm direction for T. R.'s life.
Does it cost anything to receive the Signs & Wonders newsletter?
There is no subscription charge although donations are accepted and appreciated.
Are my donations tax-deductible?
Yes, if sent electronically to "" Please remember to write “T. R. Post” in the note section. If you prefer using snail mail and don't need the tax deduction, please make your check or money order payable to: Todd R. Post - PO Box 329 - Ashland, VA 23005. Your financial contributions are appreciated and will help T. R. fulfill the Great Commission in a greater way.
Are printed copies of the Signs & Wonders newsletter available?
To avoid postage and printing expenses, copies of this newsletter are sent only through email. You are free to make your own print-outs from this website.
Is it okay to make copies of Signs & Wonders to share with my friends?
Yes. Printed or electronic copies of this newsletter may be given to others if all articles are included and haven't been edited in any way. Individual articles from this website may be copied for your personal, non-commercial use only. If there's an article you want to use in another publication or website, please contact us first to obtain permission.
How about getting back issues of Signs & Wonders?
You may find previously published articles in the Archives menu.
May I submit something to be posted in the Signs & Wonders newsletter?
Testimonies, Christian jokes, and evangelistic stories may be sent with the understanding that no compensation will be offered plus we reserve the right to edit your article if it is used. Original material is preferred to avoid the possibility of copyright infringement. If you still want to submit something that wasn't written by you, include the author's name if known. Because there are many "e-rumors" circulating on the Internet, it's important to verify every story you receive before passing it on to others (check out Please do NOT send chain letters, petitions, virus warnings, or other messages with appeals to forward them to others. If T. R. receives something that he wants to share with Signs & Wonders readers, it will be published in the newsletter and/or T. R.'s Facebook page.
Why can't I communicate with T. R. through Messenger?
Due to a large number of friends from different parts of the world, it became necessary for T. R. to list some rules regarding his usage of Facebook (which is posted on his wall). Usually, T. R. limits communication on Messenger to his closest friends. Time online must be kept to a minimum to focus more on prayer, studying the Bible, and fulfilling the Great Commission.
Why can't I communicate with T. R. through Messenger?
Due to a large number of friends from different parts of the world, it became necessary for T. R. to list some rules regarding his usage of Facebook (which is posted on his wall). Usually, T. R. limits communication on Messenger to his closest friends. Time online must be kept to a minimum to focus more on prayer, studying the Bible, and fulfilling the Great Commission.
Why don't you allow text comments in response to your YouTube videos?
Adding comments to selected videos have been disabled because of spam, profanity, and other nasty remarks previously posted. Anyone who wants to give their feedback about our videos can email us directly.
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